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Health Articles & Resources

Finding Effective Treatment for Endometriosis & Fibroids

For many women, endometriosis and fibroids are a difficult part of every day life. These conditions can be intensely draining emotionally, and depleting biochemically. Additionally, common western treatments such as pain medication, hormonal regulation, and surgical options are invasive and may not help a woman to address her symptoms and reach her fertility goals in a safe and healthy way.

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12 Steps to Better Sleep

When we're young, there's stuffed animals, someone to tuck us in, books to be read, perhaps a soothing song to be sung or played, and a hypnotizing mobile above our head to slowly and calmly rock us to sleep.  As we get older, late night studying or socializing occupy the moments right up until our head hits the pillow.  

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Clinical Herbal Success for Migraines + Depression + Fatigue + High Cholesterol

Hey all my herbalist colleagues, after tweaking and adjusting this formula each week for 3 months I have found an effective, low dose herbal solution to a complex combination of health concerns for one particular patient. The patient is a mid-forty year old female with three kids ages 5-7.

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Keep Your Mind In Shape With Meditation

Since the days of Jack LaLane and Jazzercise, most people would agree on the health benefits of a regular exercise training routine to keep our bodies operating effectively and efficiently. Few would argue the importance of getting our heart rates up or “getting our daily steps in.” On the other hand, popular culture seems generally much less concerned about maintaining a regular training routine for our minds.

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Cupping Therapy 101

There is nothing quite like cupping. I have a tendency to repeat this statement to friends and clients who have never experienced it. Cupping is not like acupuncture and unlike massage. It can be slightly uncomfortable but also feel really good. It is rather simple in its application and how it works but is profound in its ability to transform the body.

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