Acupuncture and Fertility
Does acupuncture help with infertility problems?
Acupuncture treatment relieves stress, encourages the body to heal naturally, and improves overall body functioning. Statistics show that 8-12% of couples deal with infertility issues, and in 20% of the cases, men and women are involved somehow. In traditional Chinese medicine, infertility occurs because of imbalances and blockages in the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood circulation.
Based on symptoms, mechanisms, and pattern identification, female infertility falls within three typical patterns in Chinese medicine—deficiency, heat, and stagnation syndrome.
Deficiency syndrome disrupts reproductive and sexual functioning both in men and women.
The stagnation pattern impairs the free flow of the energy (life force or vital energy) responsible for moving the blood. When there is a blockage on the pathways, there is poor circulation toward reproductive organs and, as a result, poor nourishment.
The heat pattern links to inflammation processes that could contribute to poor semen quality or infection problems.
At Universal Family Wellness Clinic, we treat every patient as uniques with personalized treatment plans based on the body's current condition and constitution. Considering both female and male factors is very important in treating fertility issues. When the right TCM pattern identifies, the problem will resolve, healing will occur, the body will return to normal health, and conception may naturally happen.
Acupuncture was first recognized for fertility treatment when in 1996, Stener-Victorin published a paper about increased uterine blood flow with electro-acupuncture on an IVF patient. Then Paulus et al. (2002) reported success in conceiving with acupuncture treatment following embryo transference and enhancement of pregnancy rate.
Traditional Chinese medicine has begun to establish a more prominent role with infertility patients and collaboration with western medicine practitioners.
Acupuncture is considered one of the most successful forms of integrative medicine in restoring fertility in patients by balancing endocrine hormones and improving the function of ovaries and sperm quality.
Don't stress yourself if you are dealing with an infertility problem, going through IVF/IUI processes, or looking to maintain a healthy pregnancy.
Call us or go online to make an appointment. We are here to support you in the care you need.
Maryam Safiya, L.Ac.
(323) 617-5027
Paulus et al., (2002). .